Download Cutting Optimization Pro Software for PC

 Create the best cutting patterns for your 1D or 2D dimensional parts with this comprehensive and user friendly software software solution

As the name suggests, Cutting Optimization Pro is a rich application that enables you to achieve the best cutting layout for rectangular (2D) and linear (1D) parts. It was developed to save content and increase productivity. It works for both industrial factories and home users.

Nicely configured interface

The user interface has been optimized and you can customize the workspace to suit your needs. Adjusting parts are added to the "Demand" section, while "Inventory" involves cutting the sheet.

The cutting process can be done either sideways (for guillotine) or following its shape (for laser or flame knife machines). In addition, you can adjust the thickness of the blade and the level of the optimization.

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Supports a lot of content

Cutting Optimization Pro Cutting supports partial inputs and reduces costs by adding waste to inventory. In addition, you can determine the type of material (glass, wood, etc.) and work directly with complex products (such as tables, chairs, bookshelves, etc.) that are used in the parts needed to manufacture this product. Can calculate size automatically. .

Entering data like latitude, longitude, volume and content in these two categories is a lot you need to do. Alternatively, you can import data from Excel or use the Cutting Optimization Pro using the Google SketchUp plugin to cut parts into shapes.

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Patterns can be printed or saved

The application analyzes input parameters and uses your optimized optimized engine (best programs Cut 2DX and Cut 1DX components) for output cutting patterns (in graphics and text mode) that can be printed or saved on your computer. Is. Can. In addition, the created parts can be arranged manually.

Once the optimization process is complete, the program will display statistics on the current layout, e.g. B. Number of cuts, surface used or unusable parts and order value.

At ground level

Whether you need to spend less in an industrial production environment or you want to make your own furniture at home, Cutting Optimization Pro has all the tools you need to Cutting optimization for any type of material.
